
Lawn Care Company in Graham, NC

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Innovative Lawn Care Solution

Welcome to Emerald Green Inc! We are proud to introduce you to our innovative lawn care solution, Aeravation. If you're wondering about the difference between aeration and Aeravation and which one would be the best fit for your lawn, you've come to the right place. In this article, the experts at our lawn care company in Gibsonville, NC will explain the distinction between these two methods and provide guidance on determining which one is needed, along with the numerous benefits of Aeravation.

Aeration and Aeravation may sound similar, but they are distinct techniques with different approaches to improving your lawn's health. Let's start by defining each one:

Aeration: Aeration is a traditional lawn care practice that involves perforating the soil with small holes. This process helps alleviate soil compaction, allowing oxygen, water, and nutrients to reach the grassroots more effectively. Typically, aeration is performed using a core aerator, which removes small plugs of soil from your lawn.

Aeravation: Aeravation, on the other hand, is an advanced technique used by Emerald Green Inc. It takes a step further from traditional aeration by using rotating spikes that vibrate. This process shatters the top 3 inches of the soil surface, resulting in increased soil porosity, improved soil structure, and creates a better seedbed.

Determining which method is most suitable for your lawn largely depends on its current condition and specific needs. Here are some factors to consider:

1. Soil Compaction: If your lawn experiences heavy foot traffic, it is more likely to suffer from soil compaction. Traditional aeration can effectively alleviate compaction issues, allowing the grassroots to breathe and receive essential nutrients. However, if your lawn has severe compaction or clay-like soil, Aeravation might be the better choice, as it can break up compacted layers more effectively.

2. Thatch Build-Up: Thatch, a layer of dead grass and debris between the soil and the grass blades, can hinder proper airflow and water penetration. For lawns with excessive thatch build-up, traditional aeration can help by breaking up the layer and promoting its decomposition. Aeravation can also address thatch issues, as the vibrating spikes help accelerate the breakdown process.

Now, let's explore the benefits of choosing Aeravation over traditional aeration:

1. Enhanced Soil Structure: Aeravation's unique process of using spikes that vibrate the ground, shattering the top layer of the soil, and improving soil structure and drainage. This allows for better root development and increases nutrient absorption, resulting in healthier and greener grass.

2. Stronger Turf: The increased porosity and improved soil structure resulting from Aeravation promote deeper root growth, leading to a denser and more resilient turf. This means your lawn will be better equipped to withstand environmental stressors, such as drought or disease.

3. Enhanced Seed Germination: If you're looking to overseed your lawn, Aeravation can significantly improve seed-to-soil contact. The shattering of the soil created by the vibrating spikes provides an ideal environment for seeds to germinate, leading to faster and more successful seed establishment.

By offering superior results and addressing specific lawn care needs, Aeravation stands as a cutting-edge alternative to traditional aeration methods.

If you're ready to experience the numerous benefits of Aeravation, contact Emerald Green Inc today. Our team of experts will assess your lawn's condition, recommend the most suitable approach, and provide top-notch service using our state-of-the-art Aeravation equipment. Let us help you achieve the lush, healthy lawn you've always desired.

Supplying Your Lawn With Proper Nutrients

Does your lawn look frail? Contact the highly trained experts at Emerald Green Inc today to give your lawn a more vigorous and stronger look with our aeravation services. Aeravation helps to supply your soil with air, water, and nutrients with the help of small perforated holes throughout your lawn.

We offer the following services: 

  • Aeravation
  • Seeding
  • Total vegetation control


Our professionals only use the best available products to ensure your lawn achieves your dream results. Call the lawn care company Graham, NC loves today for a free estimate.

Helping Your Lawn Look Stronger and More Vigorous

Call Us Today for a Free Estimate

(336) 948-1011

(336) 948-1011

"I started with Emerald Green a few years ago and have never been happier about my lawn. Miguel came out and walked me through services, costs, products, and a timeline. Everything has proceeded as discussed. To this day, they continue to be very responsive to all my concerns, questions, and needs. They are not pushy but make you aware of needed or potential services that could help. They are always timely and advise of any schedule adjustments (usually weather related). Best choice I made for my lawn."

- James N.

Learn More About Emerald Green, Inc

Serving the Central North Carolina area. Emerald Green Inc specializes in lawn treatments and landscaping. Over 24 years of experience. Highly trained staff. Free estimates. Call us today.

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